How DC United Turned a Ticketing Tool Into a Fundraising Engine
One night a year, DC United throws a charity bash for their local community partner. Here’s how they supercharged the results.
This week, we turn our attention to one of the most important ways that you can utilize FEVO to “go beyond tickets”: fundraisers. Here’s how DC United partnered with FEVO to support one of their most important annual charity initiatives.
The Challenge
One night a year, DC United team up with their official community partner, DC SCORES, to host a fundraiser at Audi Field. The annual event brings together DC’s soccer community for performances, auctions and a meet-and-greet with local pros to benefit an organization that helps kids succeed on and off the playing field. But to maximize the event’s impact, they needed a tool that would allow them to capture donations in the process of selling tickets.
The Solution
Using FEVO’s seamless and easy-to-use platform, DC United and DC Scores have been able to raise over $1.6M overall while capturing an entirely new audience of fans. “FEVO gave us the flexibility to change language and flows for different audiences (sponsors, coaches, general admission, etc.) and embed COVID language in a way that was both clear and comprehensive,” said DC Scores Chief Development Officer Anthony Francavilla. “The data capture also allowed DC SCORES to seamlessly follow up with attendees to cultivate them into lifelong volunteers and donors.”
“Since the first One Night, One Goal in 2018, DC SCORES has raised over $1.6M overall through sponsorships, auctions and live asks. That's a game-changer that has allowed the organization to increase its capacity to serve thousands more kids every year.”
- Anthony Francavilla
Chief Development Officer DC, SCORES